November 4 2010 — untuit overflow
677 years ago today, the river Arno overflowed the city Florence in Italy. Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani was there to report it.
...but there is no more information about the big flood in 1333. Only a general hint in the Florence article:
There's a more recent flood, in 1966, that's described in detail. But I can find no more than a general blurb about the flood in the 14th century. Even in Giovanni's source material, linked from his Wikipedia article, I draw a blank.
This will be kind of a non-post, because though today's explorations have given me reportable results, I'm too tired to sensibly summarize them. So that'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Suffice it to say, perhaps, that psyde
is already benefitting from the improvements I promised to install yesterday, and — if my suspicions are correct — will become even faster after some judicious tuning.
Good night.