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## ======================================================================== ##
##  Hex Puzzle solver
##  This code uses a variant of A-star search to try to find a reasonable 
##  and efficient set of moves to solve the puzzle.  For speed purposes,
##  I rely on a set of precomputed tables to make it easy to determine
##  piece collisions and movement possibilities.
## ======================================================================== ##

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  Resource Tracking Bitmaps
##  Represent all piece positions as 38-bit bitmaps.  Two pieces coexist
##  if the bit-wise and between their bitmaps is 0.
##  Bit position assignments are in left-to-right order from the original
##  hexagon graph, starting with i1 in bit 37 and ending with o5 in bit 0.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
my %piece_bmp = 
    #         iiiii jjjjjj kkkkk llllll mmmmm nnnnnn ooooo
    #         12345 123456 12345 123456 12345 123456 12345
    i12  => 0b11000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i23  => 0b01100_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i34  => 0b00110_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i45  => 0b00011_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i123 => 0b11100_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i234 => 0b01110_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    i345 => 0b00111_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    j12  => 0b00000_110000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j23  => 0b00000_011000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j34  => 0b00000_001100_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j45  => 0b00000_000110_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j56  => 0b00000_000011_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j123 => 0b00000_111000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j234 => 0b00000_011100_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j345 => 0b00000_001110_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    j456 => 0b00000_000111_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    k12  => 0b00000_000000_11000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k23  => 0b00000_000000_01100_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k34  => 0b00000_000000_00110_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k45  => 0b00000_000000_00011_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k123 => 0b00000_000000_11100_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k234 => 0b00000_000000_01110_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    k345 => 0b00000_000000_00111_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    l12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_110000_00000_000000_00000,
    l23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_011000_00000_000000_00000,
    l34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_001100_00000_000000_00000,
    l45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000110_00000_000000_00000,
    l56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000011_00000_000000_00000,
    l123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_111000_00000_000000_00000,
    l234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_011100_00000_000000_00000,
    l345 => 0b00000_000000_00000_001110_00000_000000_00000,
    l456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000111_00000_000000_00000,

    m12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_11000_000000_00000,
    m23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01100_000000_00000,
    m34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00110_000000_00000,
    m45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00011_000000_00000,
    m123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_11100_000000_00000,
    m234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01110_000000_00000,
    m345 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00111_000000_00000,

    n12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_110000_00000,
    n23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_011000_00000,
    n34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_001100_00000,
    n45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000110_00000,
    n56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000011_00000,
    n123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_111000_00000,
    n234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_011100_00000,
    n345 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_001110_00000,
    n456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000111_00000,

    o12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_11000,
    o23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_01100,
    o34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00110,
    o45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00011,
    o123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_11100,
    o234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_01110,
    o345 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00111,

    #         edcba fedcba fedcb gfedcb gfedc hgfedc hgfed
    #         11111 122222 23333 134444 24555 135666 24677
    a12  => 0b00001_000001_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #            1      2      3      4 
    b12  => 0b00010_000010_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    b23  => 0b00000_000010_00001_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    b34  => 0b00000_000000_00001_000001_00000_000000_00000,

    b123 => 0b00010_000010_00001_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    b234 => 0b00000_000010_00001_000001_00000_000000_00000,

    #           1      2      3      4      5      6
    c12  => 0b00100_000100_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    c23  => 0b00000_000100_00010_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    c34  => 0b00000_000000_00010_000010_00000_000000_00000,
    c45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000010_00001_000000_00000,
    c56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00001_000001_00000,

    c123 => 0b00100_000100_00010_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    c234 => 0b00000_000100_00010_000010_00000_000000_00000,
    c345 => 0b00000_000000_00010_000010_00001_000000_00000,
    c456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000010_00001_000001_00000,

    #          1      2      3      4      5      6      7
    d12  => 0b01000_001000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    d23  => 0b00000_001000_00100_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    d34  => 0b00000_000000_00100_000100_00000_000000_00000,
    d45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000100_00010_000000_00000,
    d56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00010_000010_00000,
    d67  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000010_00001,

    d123 => 0b01000_001000_00100_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    d234 => 0b00000_001000_00100_000100_00000_000000_00000,
    d345 => 0b00000_000000_00100_000100_00010_000000_00000,
    d456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000100_00010_000010_00000,
    d567 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00010_000010_00001,

    #         1      2      3      4      5      6      7 
    e12  => 0b10000_010000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    e23  => 0b00000_010000_01000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    e34  => 0b00000_000000_01000_001000_00000_000000_00000,
    e45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_001000_00100_000000_00000,
    e56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00100_000100_00000,
    e67  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000100_00010,

    e123 => 0b10000_010000_01000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    e234 => 0b00000_010000_01000_001000_00000_000000_00000,
    e345 => 0b00000_000000_01000_001000_00100_000000_00000,
    e456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_001000_00100_000100_00000,
    e567 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00100_000100_00010,

    #               1      2      3      4      5      6      
    f12  => 0b00000_100000_10000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    f23  => 0b00000_000000_10000_010000_00000_000000_00000,
    f34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_010000_01000_000000_00000,
    f45  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01000_001000_00000,
    f56  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_001000_00100,

    f123 => 0b00000_100000_10000_010000_00000_000000_00000,
    f234 => 0b00000_000000_10000_010000_01000_000000_00000,
    f345 => 0b00000_000000_00000_010000_01000_001000_00000,
    f456 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01000_001000_00100,

    #                            1      2      3      4      
    g12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_100000_10000_000000_00000,
    g23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_10000_010000_00000,
    g34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_010000_01000,

    g123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_100000_10000_010000_00000,
    g234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_10000_010000_01000,

    #                                         1      2
    h34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_100000_10000,

    #         pqrst pqrstu qrstu qrstuv rstuv rstuvw stuvw
    #         24677 135666 24555 134444 23333 122222 11111
    p12  => 0b10000_100000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #          4     3     2     1                         
    q12  => 0b00000_000000_10000_100000_00000_000000_00000,
    q23  => 0b00000_010000_10000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    q34  => 0b01000_010000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    q123 => 0b00000_010000_10000_100000_00000_000000_00000,
    q234 => 0b01000_010000_10000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #           6     5     4     3     2     1             
    r12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_10000_100000_00000,
    r23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_010000_10000_000000_00000,
    r34  => 0b00000_000000_01000_010000_00000_000000_00000,
    r45  => 0b00000_001000_01000_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    r56  => 0b00100_001000_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    r123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_010000_10000_100000_00000,
    r234 => 0b00000_000000_01000_010000_10000_000000_00000,
    r345 => 0b00000_001000_01000_010000_00000_000000_00000,
    r456 => 0b00100_001000_01000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #            7     6     5     4     3     2     1     
    s12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_010000_10000,
    s23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01000_010000_00000,
    s34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_001000_01000_000000_00000,
    s45  => 0b00000_000000_00100_001000_00000_000000_00000,
    s56  => 0b00000_000100_00100_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    s67  => 0b00010_000100_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    s123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_01000_010000_10000,
    s234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_001000_01000_010000_00000,
    s345 => 0b00000_000000_00100_001000_01000_000000_00000,
    s456 => 0b00000_000100_00100_001000_00000_000000_00000,
    s567 => 0b00010_000100_00100_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #             7     6     5     4     3     2     1     
    t12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_001000_01000,
    t23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00100_001000_00000,
    t34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000100_00100_000000_00000,
    t45  => 0b00000_000000_00010_000100_00000_000000_00000,
    t56  => 0b00000_000010_00010_000000_00000_000000_00000,
    t67  => 0b00001_000010_00000_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    t123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00100_001000_01000,
    t234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000100_00100_001000_00000,
    t345 => 0b00000_000000_00010_000100_00100_000000_00000,
    t456 => 0b00000_000010_00010_000100_00000_000000_00000,
    t567 => 0b00001_000010_00010_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    #                    6     5     4     3     2     1     
    u12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000100_00100,
    u23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00010_000100_00000,
    u34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000010_00010_000000_00000,
    u45  => 0b00000_000000_00001_000010_00000_000000_00000,
    u56  => 0b00000_000001_00001_000000_00000_000000_00000,

    u123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00010_000100_00100,
    u234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000010_00010_000100_00000,
    u345 => 0b00000_000000_00001_000010_00010_000000_00000,
    u456 => 0b00000_000001_00001_000010_00000_000000_00000,

    #                                 4     3     2     1     
    v12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000010_00010,
    v23  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00001_000010_00000,
    v34  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000001_00001_000000_00000,

    v123 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00001_000010_00010,
    v234 => 0b00000_000000_00000_000001_00001_000010_00000,

    #                                              2     1     
    w12  => 0b00000_000000_00000_000000_00000_000001_00001,

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  Movement Connectivity
##  %succ moves a piece toward the next higher index in its groove.
##  %pred moves a piece toward the next lower index.
##  A move in a particular direction is allowed if and only if 
##  .contains($curr) == True for that direction.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
my %succ = 
    i12 => 'i23', i23 => 'i34', i34 => 'i45', 
    j12 => 'j23', j23 => 'j34', j34 => 'j45', j45 => 'j56',
    k12 => 'k23', k23 => 'k34', k34 => 'k45', 
    l12 => 'l23', l23 => 'l34', l34 => 'l45', l45 => 'l56',
    m12 => 'm23', m23 => 'm34', m34 => 'm45',
    n12 => 'n23', n23 => 'n34', n34 => 'n45', n45 => 'n56', 
    o12 => 'o23', o23 => 'o34', o34 => 'o45',

    i123 => 'i234', i234 => 'i345',
    j123 => 'j234', j234 => 'j345', j345 => 'j456', 
    k123 => 'k234', k234 => 'k345', 
    l123 => 'l234', l234 => 'l345', l345 => 'l456', 
    m123 => 'm234', m234 => 'm345', 
    n123 => 'n234', n234 => 'n345', n345 => 'n456',
    o123 => 'o234', o234 => 'o345', 

    b12 => 'b23', b23 => 'b34',
    c12 => 'c23', c23 => 'c34', c34 => 'c45', c45 => 'c56',
    d12 => 'd23', d23 => 'd34', d34 => 'd45', d45 => 'd56', d56 => 'd67',
    e12 => 'e23', e23 => 'e34', e34 => 'e45', e45 => 'e56', e56 => 'e67',
    f12 => 'f23', f23 => 'f34', f34 => 'f45', f45 => 'f56',
    g12 => 'g23', g23 => 'g34',

    b123 => 'b234',
    c123 => 'c234', c234 => 'c345', c345 => 'c456',
    d123 => 'd234', d234 => 'd345', d345 => 'd456', d456 => 'd567',
    e123 => 'e234', e234 => 'e345', e345 => 'e456', e456 => 'e567',
    f123 => 'f234', f234 => 'f345', f345 => 'f456',
    g123 => 'g234',

    q12 => 'q23', q23 => 'q34',
    r12 => 'r23', r23 => 'r34', r34 => 'r45', r45 => 'r56',
    s12 => 's23', s23 => 's34', s34 => 's45', s45 => 's56', r56 => 'r67',
    t12 => 't23', t23 => 't34', t34 => 't45', t45 => 't56', s56 => 's67',
    u12 => 'u23', u23 => 'u34', u34 => 'u45', u45 => 'u56',
    v12 => 'v23', v23 => 'v34',

    q123 => 'q234',
    r123 => 'r234', r234 => 'r345', r345 => 'r456',
    s123 => 's234', s234 => 's345', s345 => 's456', s456 => 's567',
    t123 => 't234', t234 => 't345', t345 => 't456', t456 => 't567',
    u123 => 'u234', u234 => 'u345', u345 => 'u456',
    v123 => 'v234',

my %pred = %succ.invert;

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  Helper function:  Render a from/to as a move in desired output format
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
sub render_move(Str $from, Str $to)
    return $from.substr(0, 1) 
            ~ "[" ~ $from.substr(1) ~ " -> " ~ $to.substr(1) ~ "]";

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  Priority Queue
##  This is a simple priority queue class.  It uses a hash, keying on the
##  "metric" value for each entry.  It returns the key with the lowest
##  metric.
##  The only requirement prio-queue places on its input is that it must
##  support a method named "metric".
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
class prio-queue {
    has %!q;
    has $!elems;

    method push($item) {
        my $key = $item.metric;
        %!q{$key} = my @q if !%!q.contains($key);
        %!q{$key}.push( $item );

    method pop() {
        return if @( %!q.keys ).elems == 0;

        # "There is a min_key in my rhim." -- Inspector Clousseau
        my $min_key = %!q.keys.min;
        my $best    = @( %!q.{$min_key} ).shift;

        %!q.delete($min_key) if ( ! %!q.{$min_key}.elems );


        return $best;

    method unshift($item)   { return self.push($item);  }
    method shift()          { return self.pop();        }

    method elems() {
        return $!elems;

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
##  A-star Search
##  Note that this implementation goes light on the abstraction.  That can
##  always be added later when it's time to reuse the code.
##  The class a-star-node encapsulates a single state node from the 
##  state tree search.  The class a-star encapsulates knowledge of visited
##  states and handles iterating the actual a-star search.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

class a-star-node
    has Int  $!cost;
    has Str  $!move;
    has Int  $!in_use;
    has      @!pieces;
    has Bool $!bullet;
    has Str  $!parent;
    has Int  $!est_cost;

    method Str() {
        return @!pieces.join();

    method is_goal() {
        return @!pieces[0] eq 'l56';

    method add_piece(Str $piece) {
        # This is used only when populating start nodes from the input
        say "Invalid piece name." and exit(1) 
                                            if !%piece_bmp.contains($piece);

        my $new_bmp = %piece_bmp{$piece};

        say "Overlapping pieces." and exit(1) if $!in_use +& $new_bmp;

        $!in_use +|= $new_bmp;

        if ($piece eq 'l12') {
            $!bullet = True;
            unshift @!pieces, $piece;
        } else {
            say "No solution." and exit(1) if $piece.substr(0,1) eq 'l';
            push @!pieces, $piece;

    method has_bullet {
        # This is used only when populating start nodes from the input
        return $!bullet;

    method get_moves {
        my (Int $piece, Int $cost, Str $orig, Str $curr, Int $others, 
            Int $p, $next, @moves);

        ## Try to move each piece as far backward as possible,
        ## then try to move each piece as far forward as possible.  
        ## Cost of the move is 3 + # of segments.
        ## Insert the options into the result buffer in reverse
        ## order, so the first move we consider is the one that
        ## moves the bullet the furthest right.

        for $(%pred), $(%succ) -> $next { 
            for @!pieces.elems-1 ... 0 -> $p {
                my @p_copy = @!pieces;
                $curr = $orig = @!pieces[$p];
                $cost = $!cost + 1;

                $others = $!in_use +^ %piece_bmp{$orig};

                while ( $next.contains($curr) ) {
                    $curr = $next{$curr};

                    if ($others +& %piece_bmp{$curr}) == 0 {
                        @p_copy[$p] = $curr;

                                cost   => $cost,
                                move   => render_move($orig, $curr),
                                in_use => $others +| %piece_bmp{$curr},
                                pieces => @p_copy,
                                bullet => $!bullet,
                                parent => self.Str
                    } else {

        return @moves;

    method get_parent { return $!parent; }
    method get_move   { return $!move; }

    method tot_cost_to_here {
        # Actual cost incurred getting to this node.
        return $!cost;

    method est_cost_to_goal {
        return $!est_cost if $!est_cost > 0;

        # Estimated cost to get from this node to the goal state.
        # Our heuristic:  
        #  -- Number of slots the bullet needs to slide, plus
        #  -- Number of other piece segments overlapping l1 .. l6 to
        #     the right of the bullet, plus
        #  -- 1, to cover the minimum cost of any move.
        # Because we start calculating "overlapping piece segments"
        # on the right-edge of the "bullet", we don't need to add 1
        # explicitly.

        my Int $bull_pos = @!pieces[0].substr(1,1).Int;
        my Int $in_way   = 0;
        my Int $bit_num;

        for (21 - $bull_pos) ... 16 -> $bit_num {
            $in_way += ($!in_use +> $bit_num) +& 1;

        return $!est_cost = ( 5 - $bull_pos ) + $in_way;

    method metric {
        return self.est_cost_to_goal + $!cost;

    submethod BUILD
        :$!cost   = 0,
        :$!move   = '',
        :$!in_use = 0,
        :@!pieces = ( ),
        :$!bullet = False,
        :$!parent = 'START',
        :$!est_cost = -1
    ) {

class a-star
    has %!visited; 
    has $!frontier;

    method !visit(a-star-node $state) {
        my Str  $str = $state.Str;
        my Bool $was_visited = %!visited.contains($str);

        %!visited{$str} = $state
            if (!$was_visited || 
                $state.tot_cost_to_here < %!visited{$str}.tot_cost_to_here);

        return $was_visited;

    method !best_path(a-star-node $end) {
        my @moves;
        my $state = $end.Str;

        while (%!visited.contains($state)) {
            @moves.unshift( %!visited{$state}.get_move );
            $state = %!visited{$state}.get_parent;

        shift  @moves;  ## remove extra move from last iter
        return @moves;

    method search {
        my (a-star-node $node, a-star-node $exit);
        my (@exits, $curr);

        while ($!frontier.elems > 0) {

            $node = $!frontier.pop;
            $curr = $node.Str;

            if $node.is_goal {
                return self!best_path($node);

            @exits = $node.get_moves;

            for @exits -> $exit {
                $!frontier.push($exit) if self!visit($exit) == 0;

        return @( );

    submethod BUILD(:$start) {
        my $!frontier = prio-queue.new;
        $!frontier.push($start);    ## like an old Ford


## ======================================================================== ##
## ======================================================================== ##

sub MAIN
    my $start = a-star-node.new;

    for lines() {
        $start.add_piece( $_ );

    say "No bullet specified" and exit(1) if !$start.has_bullet;

    my $a-star = a-star.new(start => $start);
    my @path   = $a-star.search;

    if @path.elems {
        say @path.join("\n");
    } else {
        say "No solution.";

This version sees the addition of a priority queue class, helping prioritize the order to look at the board configurations.

The author also felt the previous version wasn't -Ofun enough, and so inserted two frivolous comments into this one. :-)


This version accidentally introduces the line my $!frontier = prio-queue.new; inside the BUILD submethod of class a-star. The error goes unnoticed because the program is run on a pre-nom Rakudo, which accepts it without complaining. A later version of the program is run on the nom branch, and the problem fixed.

A bug is also introduced in this version such that it, and all subsequent versions fail to find the most efficient solutions in some cases. For example, given this input:


The program emits:

s[56 -> 23]
v[234 -> 123]
l[12 -> 56]

But the first move s[56 -> 23] is superfluous. This is fixed in the next version.

Clarity of intent

The method name !pick was now refactored away and replaced, as hoped, by a method call .pop on the priority queue.

Idiomatic Perl 6

Superstitious parentheses (the ones around the condition):

%!q.delete($min_key) if ( ! %!q.{$min_key}.elems );

The elems accessor can be folded into the attribute by just re-twigilling it as has $.elems.