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use v6;

#try to move the mein piece right, and try to remove obstacles

class Groove {
    has @.start;
    has Str $.name;
    has  @.right;

grammar PieceGrammar {
    token TOP { ^ <groove> <range> $ }
    token range {  (\d ** 2..3) 
            <!{ my @a := $0.comb.sort;
                @a leg (@a[0]..@a[*-1]);
                }> }
    token groove { <[a..w]> }

class Piece {
    has @.cells;
    has Groove $.groove;

    method doMove(Int $direction) {
        for @.cells -> $cell {
            @$cell >>+=>> (@$direction <<*>> $.groove.right);

    method Str {
        my @curcell = @($.groove.start);
        my $str = $.groove.name;
        for 1..7 {
            $str ~= $_ if !(@.cells[0] leg @curcell) ff !(@.cells[*-1] leg @curcell); 
            @curcell <<+=>> $.groove.right;
        return $str;

class Board {
    has @.cells;
    has Piece @.pieces;
    has Groove %.grooves;

    submethod initGrooves(@range, %starts, @direction) {
        for @range Z %starts{@range} -> $key, $value {
            my $field = $value.comb.map: {.ord};
            %.grooves{$key} = Groove.new(:name($key),:right(@direction),:start($field));

    submethod BUILD {
        my %starts = {:a<at>, :b<bs>, :c<cr>, :d<dq>, :e<ep>, :f<fq>, :g<gq>,:h<hr>,
            :i<ep>, :j<fp>, :k<fq>, :l<gq>, :m<gr>, :n<hr>, :o<hs>, :p<fp>, :q<gq>,
            :r<hr>, :s<hs>, :t<gt>, :u<fu>, :v<ev>, :w<dw>};

    method isOnBoard(@cell) {
        return 'a'.ord+'t'.ord <= ([+] @cell) <= 'd'.ord+'w'.ord
             && 'a'.ord-'u'.ord <= ([-] @cell) <= 'g'.ord-'q'.ord;

    method getPiece(@cell) {
        for @.pieces -> $piece {
            if ($piece.cells.grep: {!($_ leg @cell)}) {
                return $piece;#cast?
        return Bool::False;

    method addPiece(Piece $piece) {
        for $piece.cells -> $cells {
            if (!self.isOnBoard(@$cells) or self.getPiece(@$cells)) {
                die "invalid pieces";

sub move($board, @plan) {
    @plan or return ("end");
    my ($piece,$direction) = @(pop @plan);

    my $cell = $piece.cells[$direction < 0 ?? 0 !! *-1];
    my @newcell = @$cell >>+>> ($direction <<*>> $piece.groove.right);
    if (my $obstacle = $board.getPiece(@newcell)) {
        my ($left, $right) = $obstacle.cells.elems, 1;
        while $obstacle.cells[$right-1] leg @newcell {
            ($left, $right) <<+=>> (-1,1);
        my $lastdir = 0;
        for @plan.reverse -> $p {
            if ($p[0] ~~ $obstacle) {
                $lastdir = $p[1];
        if (my $resultl = ($lastdir != -1) &&
            move($board, (@plan,[($piece,$direction)],[$obstacle,-1] xx $left).list)) {
            return @$resultl;
        if (my $resultr = ($lastdir != 1) &&
            move($board, (@plan,[($piece,$direction)],[$obstacle,1] xx $right).list)) {
            return @$resultr;
        return Bool::False;
    } elsif ($board.isOnBoard(@newcell)) {
        if ( my $solution = move($board, @plan)) {
            my $res = $piece.Str;
            return ($piece.Str, $res, @$solution);
        return Bool::False;
    } else {
        return Bool::False;

sub MAIN {
    my Board $board .= new();
    while $*IN.get() -> $line {
        my $g := PieceGrammar.parse($line) or say "invalid Piece" and return;
        my @d := $g{'range'}.comb.sort;
        my $groove = $board.grooves{$g{'groove'}};
        my @cells = ((@d <<->> 1) X* $groove.right).map: 
                                ->$x,$y {[$groove.start <<+>> ($x, $y)]};
        $board.addPiece(Piece.new(:cells(@cells), :groove($groove)));
    my $start = $board.getPiece(('g'.ord,'q'.ord));
    $start and $start.cells.elems == 2 and $start.groove.name eq "l" or say "No bullet specified" and return;
    my @plan = [$start,1] xx 4;
    my @solution = move($board, @plan);
    @solution[0] or say "no solution" and return;
    my ($curgroove, $curpos, $curstart) = ();

    while (@solution.shift ~~ /(.)(\d+)/) {
        if ($0 ne $curgroove) {
            $curgroove.defined and say "$curgroove\[$curstart -> $curpos\]";
            ($curgroove, $curstart) = ($0,$1);
        } else {
            $curpos = $1;
    say "$curgroove\[$curstart -> $curpos\]";


The program goes into an infinite loop sometimes, for example for the following input:


The algorithm does find solutions sometimes — not always optimal ones — but the fact that it hangs on certain inputs makes a big dent in its correctness scoring.


Tab characters are used both for indentation and (in a few cases) for vertical alignment. A stray tab character found its way into the middle of line 55.

Clarity of intent

This solution has a complicated internal representation where each position is uniquely denoted by two lower-case letters. For example, the bullet in an initial configuration is located at gq.

Algorithmic efficiency

Efficiency is not really measurable since the algorithm is incorrect.

Idiomatic use of Perl 6

Many clever uses of hyperops, zips, cross products, leg, ff, chained comparisons.

The slightly un-idiomatic while $*IN.get() -> $line { better written for lines() -> $line {.

.map: {.ord} could've been written as .map: &ord. Or maybe even ยป.ord.

Piece.new(:cells(@cells), :groove($groove)) could have been abbreviated to Piece.new(:@cells, :$groove). This is only really noteworthy because brevity seems to be a concern almost everywhere else in the code.

Similarly, return Bool::False could've been simply return False. (Or simply return. The values returned go into a list anyway, so the following @solution[0] check could be simplified to @solution if Nil is returned, as with return.)


The same brief, telegraph-like style is used in this solution as in the previous ones by the author. This is a slightly bigger problem than the other ones, so here the program is longer too. Arguably readability suffers a bit with this style as programs grow longer.