
Download the raw code. And Grooves.pm6. And Heap.pm6.

# -*- mode: cperl6; -*-

# 2011 Perl 6 Coding Contest
# Edgar Gonzàlez i Pellicer

use v6;

use Grooves;
use Heap;

# Piece movement string
sub piece-movement-str(Piece $p, Int $offset) {
  return "{$p.groove}[{($p.start .. $p.end).join} -> " ~
         "{(($p.start .. $p.end) <<+>> $offset).join}]";

# State
class State {
  has @.movements;
  has $.board;

# A* search
# If the heuristic is optimistic, the solution found has minimal cost
# (i.e., number of movements)
sub a-star(Board $start) {
  # Is it final?
  return if $start.is-final;

  # State heap
  my $states = MinHeap.new;

  # Insert the starting one
  $states.push($start.heuristic-cost, State.new(board => $start));

  # Visited
  my %visited = $start => 1;

  # Not empty?
  while !$states.empty {
    # Get the state with the lowest cost so far
    my $cur = $states.top.value;

    # For each piece and movement
    for $cur.board.pieces -> $p {
      for $cur.board.piece-movements($p) -> $m {
    # Make the move
    my $new-board = $cur.board.move-piece($p, $m);

    # Is it resulting board already visited?
    my $hash = $new-board.hash-str;
    if !%visited{$hash} {
      # Mark it
      %visited{$hash} = 1;

      # New movement list
      my @new-movements = $cur.movements;
      @new-movements.push(piece-movement-str($p, $m));

      # Is it final?
      return @new-movements if $new-board.is-final;

      # New state
      my $new-state = State.new(movements => @new-movements,
                    board     => $new-board);

      # Insert it into the heap
      $states.push(@new-movements.elems + $new-board.heuristic-cost,

  # Nothing found
  die "No solution.";

# Main
multi sub MAIN() {
  # Read the starting board
  my Board $start = read-board($*IN);

  # Solve it
  my @movements = a-star($start);
  .say for @movements;

  # Exception
    # Show exception message

    # Don't rethrow
    default {}

# Call main
# @maybe This should be done automatically?


# -*- mode: cperl6; -*-

# 2011 Perl 6 Coding Contest
# Edgar Gonzàlez i Pellicer

# Grooves game
module Grooves;

# The board is represented as:

#    (0, 1)  (0, 3)  (0, 5)  (0, 7)  (0, 9)
# (1, 0)  (1, 2)  (1, 4)  (1, 6)  (1, 8)  (1, 10)
#    (2, 1)  (2, 3)  (2, 5)  (2, 7)  (2, 9)
# (3, 0)  (3, 2)  (3, 4)  (3, 6)  (3, 8)  (3, 10)
#    (4, 1)  (4, 3)  (4, 5)  (4, 7)  (4, 9)
# (5, 0)  (5, 2)  (5, 4)  (5, 6)  (5, 8)  (5, 10)
#    (6, 1)  (6, 3)  (6, 5)  (6, 7)  (6, 9)

# A groove then corresponds to a starting position and a direction
my %grooves =
  #    e1  d1  c1  b1  a1
  #  f1  e2  d2  c2  b2  a2
  #    f2  e3  d3  c3  b3
  #  g1  f3  e4  d4  c4  b4
  #    g2  f4  e5  d5  c5
  #  h1  g3  f5  e6  d6  c6
  #    h2  g4  f6  e7  d7
  'a' => [ 0, 9, 1, 1 ],
  'b' => [ 0, 7, 1, 1 ],
  'c' => [ 0, 5, 1, 1 ],
  'd' => [ 0, 3, 1, 1 ],
  'e' => [ 0, 1, 1, 1 ],
  'f' => [ 1, 0, 1, 1 ],
  'g' => [ 3, 0, 1, 1 ],
  'h' => [ 5, 0, 1, 1 ],

  #    i1  i2  i3  i4  i5
  #  j1  j2  j3  j4  j5  j6
  #    k1  k2  k3  k4  k5
  #  l1  l2  l3  l4  l5  l6
  #    m1  m2  m3  m4  m5
  #  n1  n2  n3  n4  n5  n6
  #    o1  o2  o3  o4  o5
  'i' => [ 0, 1, 0, 2 ],
  'j' => [ 1, 0, 0, 2 ],
  'k' => [ 2, 1, 0, 2 ],
  'l' => [ 3, 0, 0, 2 ],
  'm' => [ 4, 1, 0, 2 ],
  'n' => [ 5, 0, 0, 2 ],
  'o' => [ 6, 1, 0, 2 ],

   #    p2  q4  r6  s7  t7
   #  p1  q3  r5  s6  t6  u6
   #    q2  r4  s5  t5  u5
   #  q1  r3  s4  t4  u4  v4
   #    r2  s3  t3  u3  v3
   #  r1  s2  t2  u2  v2  w2
   #    s1  t1  u1  v1  w1
  'p' => [ 1, 0, -1, 1 ],
  'q' => [ 3, 0, -1, 1 ],
  'r' => [ 5, 0, -1, 1 ],
  's' => [ 6, 1, -1, 1 ],
  't' => [ 6, 3, -1, 1 ],
  'u' => [ 6, 5, -1, 1 ],
  'v' => [ 6, 7, -1, 1 ],
  'w' => [ 6, 9, -1, 1 ];

# Piece
class Piece is export {
  has Str $.groove;
  has Int $.number;
  has Int $.start;
  has Int $.end;
  has @.positions;

# Board
class Board is export {
  has @.rows;
  has @.pieces;
  has Piece $.bullet;

  # Make empty
  method make-empty() {
    # Create the rows
    my @rows;
    for ^7 -> $r {
      @rows[$r] = [ 0 xx 5 + $r !%% 2 ];

    # Set'em
    @.rows = @rows;

  # Hash string
  method hash-str() {
    return (@.rows.map: { .join }).join;

  # Display it
  method display() {
    for keys(@.rows) -> $r {
      my $row = @.rows[$r].join(' ');
      $row = " $row" if $r %% 2;

  # Is it final
  method is-final() {
    # Does it have a bullet
    die "No bullet specified" unless $.bullet.defined;

    # Is the bullet in the end?
    return $.bullet.positions[* - 1][1] == 10;

  # Position exists
  method pos-exists(Int $row, Int $col) {
    # Validate row
    return False if $row !~~ (0 .. 6);

    # Validate column
    if $row %% 2 {
      return $col ~~ (1 .. 9) && $col !%% 2;
    else {
      return $col ~~ (0 .. 10) && $col %% 2;

  # Check a position
  method check-pos(Int $row, Int $col) {
    die "Bad position ($row, $col)" if !self.pos-exists($row, $col);

  # Pos value
  method pos-value(Int $row, Int $col) {
    # Validate
    self.check-pos($row, $col);

    # Get
    return @.rows[$row][$col div 2];

  # Reset a position
  method reset-pos(Int $row, Int $col) {
    # Validate
    self.check-pos($row, $col);

    # Empty
    @.rows[$row][$col div 2] = 0;

  # Set a position
  method set-pos(Int $row, Int $col, Int $value) {
    # Validate
    self.check-pos($row, $col);

    # Empty?
    my $dcol = $col div 2;
    if @.rows[$row][$dcol] == 0 {
      # Set
      @.rows[$row][$dcol] = $value;
    else {
      # Error!
      die "Position ($row, $col) not empty";

  # Add piece
  method add-piece(Str $groove, Int $start, Int $end) {
    # Get groove info
    my ($r0, $c0, $dr, $dc) = %grooves{$groove}.list;

    # Piece number
    my $piece-no = @.pieces.elems + 1;

    # Piece pos
    my @piece-pos;

    # Mark each position
    for $start .. $end -> $i {
      my $r = $r0 + $dr * ($i - 1);
      my $c = $c0 + $dc * ($i - 1);

      # Clean?
      die "Piece overlaps: {$groove}{ ($start .. $end).join }"
    if self.pos-value($r, $c);

      # Mark
      self.set-pos($r, $c, $piece-no);

      # Add it
      @piece-pos.push([ $r, $c ]);

    # Add it
    @.pieces.push(Piece.new(number    => $piece-no,
                groove    => $groove,
                start     => $start,
                end       => $end,
                positions => @piece-pos));

    # Is it the bullet?
    $.bullet = @.pieces[* - 1] if $groove eq 'l' && $start == 1 && $end == 2;

    # Exception
    CATCH {
      # Revert pos
      self.clear-pos(|$_) for @piece-pos;

      # Rethrow

  # Piece movements
  method piece-movements(Piece $p) {
    # Get the direction
    my $dr = %grooves{$p.groove}[2];
    my $dc = %grooves{$p.groove}[3];

    # Get the start and end
    my ($r0, $c0) = $p.positions[0]\   .list;
    my ($re, $ce) = $p.positions[* - 1].list;

    # Movements
    my @movements;

    { # Move left
      my $i = 1;
      my $r = $r0 - $dr;
      my $c = $c0 - $dc;
      while self.pos-exists($r, $c) &&
        self.pos-value($r, $c) ~~ any(0, $p.number) {
        # Add

    # Next
    $r -= $dr;
    $c -= $dc;

    { # Move right
      my $i = 1;
      my $r = $re + $dr;
      my $c = $ce + $dc;
      while self.pos-exists($r, $c) &&
        self.pos-value($r, $c) ~~ any(0, $p.number) {
    # Add

    # Next
    $r += $dr;
    $c += $dc;

    # Return the list of movements
    return @movements;

  # Move a piece
  method move-piece(Piece $p, Int $dist) {
    # Get the direction
    my $dr = %grooves{$p.groove}[2];
    my $dc = %grooves{$p.groove}[3];

    # New
    my $new-board = Board.new(rows   => (@.rows.map: { [ .clone ] }),
                  pieces => @.pieces,
                  bullet => $.bullet);

    # Remove
    $new-board.reset-pos(|$_) for $p.positions;

    # New positions
    my @new-pos = $p.positions.map: { [ .list Z+ ($dist <<*>> ($dr, $dc)) ] };

    # Set
    $new-board.set-pos(|$_, $p.number) for @new-pos;

    # New piece
    my $new-piece = Piece.new(number    => $p.number,
                  groove    => $p.groove,
                  start     => $p.start + $dist,
                  end       => $p.end   + $dist,
                  positions => @new-pos);

    # Update
    $new-board.pieces[$p.number - 1] = $new-piece;
    $new-board.bullet = $new-piece if $.bullet === $p;

    # Return the new board
    return $new-board;

  # Heuristic cost for A*
  # It is an optimistic heuristic
  method heuristic-cost() {
    # Ending column of bullet
    my $ce = $.bullet.positions[* - 1][1];

    # There?
    if $ce == 10 {
      return 0;
    else {
      # The heuristic is the number of pieces between the end and the target
    (($ce + 2, $ce + 4 ... 10).grep: { self.pos-value(3, $_) != 0 }).elems;

# Read board
sub read-board($input) is export {
  # Create a Board
  my Board $b = Board.new;

  # For each line
  for $input.lines -> $line {
    $line ~~ /^\s* (<[a .. w]>) (\d) (\d*) (\d) \s*$/ or
      die "Bad input line: $line";

    # Get
    my ($groove, $start, $mid, $end) = (~$0, +$1, ~$2, +$3);

    # Check mid is range
    die "Bad input line: $line" if ($start + 1 .. $end - 1).join ne $mid;

    # Add the piece
    $b.add-piece($groove, $start, $end);

  # Does it have a bullet
  die "No bullet specified" unless $b.bullet.defined;

  # Return it
  return $b;


# -*- mode: cperl6; -*-

# 2011 Perl 6 Coding Contest
# Edgar Gonzàlez i Pellicer

# Heap
module Heap;

# Min heap
class MinHeap is export {
  has Pair @!data;

  # Empty?
  method empty() {
    return !@!data;

  # Size
  method size() {
    return @!data.elems;

  # Top
  method top() {
    if @!data {
      return @!data[0];
    else {

  # Pop
  method pop() {
    # Which is the size
    given +@!data {
      # Empty
      when 0 {
    # Nothing

      # One element
      when 1 {
    # Just remove it

      # More
      default {
    # Take the last, and move it to the head
    @!data[0] = pop(@!data);

    # Position and children
    my $p = 0;
    my $l = 1;
    my $r = 2;

    # Sink it
    while $l < @!data {
      if $r < @!data {
        # Two children
        if @!data[$p].key > @!data[$l].key ||
           @!data[$p].key > @!data[$r].key {
          # Must sink
          if @!data[$l].key < @!data[$r].key {
        # Float left
        @!data[$p, $l] = @!data[$l, $p];
        $p = $l;
          else {
        # Float right
        @!data[$p, $r] = @!data[$r, $p];
        $p = $r;
        else {
          # Stop
      else {
        # One child ($l)
        if @!data[$p].key > @!data[$l].key {
          # Must sink -> Float left
          @!data[$p, $l] = @!data[$l, $p];
          $p = $l;
        else {
          # Stop

      # Next children
      $l = 2 * $p + 1;
      $r = $l + 1;

    # OK

  # Push
  method push(Int $key, $value) {
    # Add it
    @!data.push(($key => $value));

    # Position
    my $p = @!data.elems - 1;

    # Float it
    while $p > 0 {
      # Parent
      my $pp = $p div 2;

      if @!data[$pp].key > @!data[$p].key {
    # Float
    @!data[$p, $pp] = @!data[$pp, $p];
    $p = $pp;
      else {
    # Stop

    # OK


This solution makes an A star search on the graph of reachable board configurations. It uses a MinHeap to efficiently emulate a priority queue for what configuration to look at next.

The solution as sent in is incorrect. There's a call in Grooves.pm6 to self.clear-pos, but such a method does not exist in that class. Curiously, this causes Rakudo to abort, but everything works fine in Niecza.

For some reason, the program also emits "No bullet specified" at the end of each run, regardless of whether or not a bullet was specified.


There's a mix of tab characters and spaces used for indentation.

Clarity of intent

This solution introduces an internal representation of the positions of the board as being integer (row, col) tuples. The hexagonal aspect of it all is represented by the fact that rows with odd-valued columns and even-valued columns alternate.

Algorithmic efficiency

This program is the fastest of the bunch, to the extent this can be measured reliably across all solutions running on either Rakudo or Niecza.

Idiomatic use of Perl 6

The code is definitely written in an object-y mindset, but it also makes use of some features specific to Perl 6, such as hyperops and the %% operator.

