
Download the raw code.

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# This is perl6 version 2011.12-18-ga7fd89e built on parrot 3.11.0 revision RELEASE_3_11_0

=begin comment
 - The list of all moves in a groove is generated before solving the puzzle.
 - Moves are sorted from the shortest to the longest (so that a solution with the shortest moves is found first).
 - Each field on the board is assigned one character (convenient for serialization).
 - The board is analyzed with a regular BFS.
 - Convertions between different notation types make the code appear more difficult than it really is.
 - The script dies if the input is illegal.
=end comment

my @BOARDS =
       e1  d1  c1  b1  a1
     f1  e2  d2  c2  b2  a2
       f2  e3  d3  c3  b3
     g1  f3  e4  d4  c4  b4
       g2  f4  e5  d5  c5
     h1  g3  f5  e6  d6  c6
       h2  g4  f6  e7  d7
       i1  i2  i3  i4  i5
     j1  j2  j3  j4  j5  j6
       k1  k2  k3  k4  k5
     l1  l2  l3  l4  l5  l6
       m1  m2  m3  m4  m5
     n1  n2  n3  n4  n5  n6
       o1  o2  o3  o4  o5
       p2  q4  r6  s7  t7
     p1  q3  r5  s6  t6  u6
       q2  r4  s5  t5  u5
     q1  r3  s4  t4  u4  v4
       r2  s3  t3  u3  v3
     r1  s2  t2  u2  v2  w2
       s1  t1  u1  v1  w1

# Auxilliary routines

sub fill-dictionary ( %dict is rw, @board ) {
    my $num = ord( ' ' );
    for @board -> $f {
        %dict{ $f } = chr( ++$num ); # Encode each field into a single char.

sub encode-piece ( $piece, %field-dict ) { # Changes g123 to g1g2g3 and encodes.
    my $groove = $piece.substr( 0, 1 );
    my $result;
    for $piece.substr( 1 ).split('') -> $num {
        my $field = $groove ~ $num;
        die "Field $field not on board." unless %field-dict.exists( $field );
        $result ~= %field-dict{ $field };
    return $result;

# Reading the board and initializing data structures

sub read-board () {
    my %layout;

    for lines() -> $piece {
        %layout{ $piece } = 1;

    return %layout;

sub assert-board ( %initial-layout, %layout ) {
    if not %initial-layout.exists( 'l12' ) {
        say "No bullet specified";
        exit 0;

    my %board = layout-to-board( %layout );
    my $fields-in-layout = 0;
    for %layout.keys -> $k {
        $fields-in-layout += $k.chars;
    if $fields-in-layout != %board.keys.elems {
        say "Overlapping pieces";
        exit 0;


sub moves-in-groove ( $length, @fields ) {
    my @result;

    for 0 .. @fields.elems - $length -> $start-pos {
        for 0  .. @fields.elems - $length -> $end-pos {
            next if $start-pos == $end-pos;

            my $from = @fields[ $start-pos .. $start-pos + $length - 1 ].join( '' );
            my $to   = @fields[ $end-pos   .. $end-pos   + $length - 1 ].join( '' );

            my @must-be-empty-fields;
            if $start-pos < $end-pos > 0  {
                @must-be-empty-fields = @fields[ $start-pos + $length .. $end-pos + $length - 1 ];
            else {
                @must-be-empty-fields = @fields[ $end-pos .. $start-pos - 1 ];

            @result.push( [ $from, $to, @must-be-empty-fields.join(',') ] );

    return @result;

sub generate-all-moves ( %initial-layout, %field-to-id ) {
    my @moves;

    my %grooves-seen;
    for %initial-layout.keys -> $piece {
        my $groove = $piece.substr( 0, 1 );
        my $length = $piece.chars - 1;
        next if %grooves-seen.exists( { $groove ~ $length } );

        my @fields = %field-to-id.keys.grep( { .substr( 0, 1 ) eq $groove } ).sort.map( { %field-to-id{$_} } );
        my @arr = moves-in-groove( $length, @fields );
        @moves.push( moves-in-groove( $length, @fields ) );
        %grooves-seen{ $groove ~ $length } = 1;

    return @moves;

# Board analysis

sub check-l-groove ( %initial-layout ) { # Return false if there is more than one piece on groove L.
    for %initial-layout.keys -> $k {
        return if $k.substr( 0, 1 ) eq 'l' && $k ne 'l12';
    return 1;

sub transform-layout( %layout, $transformation ) {
    my %new-layout = %layout;
    return %new-layout unless $transformation.chars;

    for $transformation.split( ' ' ) -> $from, $to {
        %new-layout.delete( $from );
        %new-layout{ $to } = 1;

    return %new-layout;

sub layout-to-board( %layout ) {
    my @fields = %layout.keys.map( { $_.split( '' ) } );
    my %board;
    %board{ @fields } = ( 1 ) xx %board.elems;
    return %board;

sub solve ( %initial-layout, @moves, $success ) {
    my @queue;
    my @next-queue = "";
    my %positions_seen;
    loop {
        if @next-queue.elems == 0 {

        ( @queue, @next-queue ) .= reverse();
        @next-queue = ();

        for @queue -> $history {
            my %layout = transform-layout( %initial-layout, $history );
            my %board = layout-to-board( %layout );

            for @moves -> $from, $to, $fields {
                # Check if a piece is placed in the $from position.
                next unless %layout.exists( $from );

                # Check if fields required for move are empty.
                next if grep { %board.exists( $_  )  }, $fields.split( '' );

                # Transform and serialize board
                for $from.split( '' ) -> $f { %board.delete( $f ); }
                for $to.split( '' )   -> $f { %board{ $f } = 1; }

                my $key = %board.keys.sort.join( '' );

                for $to.split( '' )   -> $f { %board.delete( $f ); }
                for $from.split( '' ) -> $f { %board{ $f } = 1; }   

                next if %positions_seen.exists( $key );

                %positions_seen{$key} = 1;
                my $new-move = ( $history.chars ?? "$history " !! '' ) ~ "$from $to";
                if $to eq $success {
                    return $new-move;
                @next-queue.push( $new-move );

# Arghhh, have the solution but have to print it in the desired format

sub decode-piece ( $piece, @boards ) {
    my @pos = $piece.split( '' ).map( { ord( $_ ) - ord( ' ' ) -  1 } );

    for 0 .. @boards.end -> $i {
        my @alpha-fields = @pos.map( { @boards[$i][$_] } );
        if @alpha-fields[0].substr( 0, 1 ) eq @alpha-fields[1].substr( 0, 1 ) {
            my $result = @alpha-fields.shift ~ @alpha-fields.map( { $_.substr( 1 ) } ).join( '' );
            return $result;
    die "Corrupted input.";

sub decode-result ( $moves, @boards ) {
    return "No solution.\n" unless $moves.chars;

    my $result;
    for $moves.split( ' ' ) -> $from, $to {
        my $f = decode-piece( $from, @boards );
        my $t = decode-piece( $to, @boards );

        $result ~= $f.substr( 0, 1 ) ~ '[' ~ $f.substr( 1 );
        $result ~= ' -> ' ~ $t.substr( 1 ) ~ "]\n";

    return $result;

sub MAIN {
    my %field-to-id;
    for 0 .. @BOARDS.end -> $i {
        fill-dictionary( %field-to-id, @BOARDS[ $i ] ); 

    my %initial-layout = read-board( );
    my %layout = %initial-layout.keys.map( { encode-piece( $_, %field-to-id ), 1 } );
    assert-board( %initial-layout, %layout );

    my $result = '';
    if check-l-groove( %initial-layout ) {
        # I should probably generate a hash instead using <FROM> as keys.
        my @moves = generate-all-moves( %initial-layout, %field-to-id );

        # Sort the moves (shortest first) and then flatten the array of arrays.
        @moves = @moves.sort( { $^a[2].chars <=> $^b[2].chars } ).map( { @($_) } );

        $result = solve( %layout, @moves, encode-piece( 'l56', %field-to-id ) );

    print decode-result( $result, @BOARDS );

This version of the program is identical to the previous one, save for its correcting a few error messages for the benefit of the testing framework:

<       die "Piece l12 missing.";
>       say "No bullet specified";
>       exit 0;
<       die "Overlapping pieces.";
>       say "Overlapping pieces";
>       exit 0;

And introducing the following comment:

# I should probably generate a hash instead using <FROM> as keys.

Sounds interesting. We would probably have liked to see such a solution. :-)