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# Find the first N numbers that are the sum of (at least) two distinct
# cubes with lazy evaluation. 

sub sum_of_cube_finder 
    my (%sums, @pend, %pend);
    my (Int $n1, Int $n1c, Int $n2, Int $sum);

    $n1 = 1;

    return sub 
        while True {
            $n1c = $n1 ** 3;

            # Return pending elements as long as $n1 ** 3 is larger.
            # This ensures we don't return a larger number ahead of
            # a smaller number that might be found with the current $n1.
            @pend = %pend.keys.sort: { $^a <=> $^b };

            while @pend.elems && $n1c > @pend[0] {
                $sum = shift @pend;
                return $sum, %sums{$sum};

            # Garbage collect any sums that will never be matched
            # because $n1 ** 3 got too big.
            for %sums.keys { %sums.delete($_) if $_ < $n1c };

            # Look for $n1 ** 3 + $n2 ** 3, for all $n2 smaller than $n1.
            # If we detect a repeated sum, queue it up for later return.
            for 1 ..^ $n1 -> $n2 {
                $sum = $n1c + $n2 ** 3;

                %sums.push($sum => "$n1 ** 3 + $n2 ** 3");

                %pend{$sum} = 1 if (%sums{$sum}.elems > 1);

sub MAIN($count)
    my (Int $sum, $cubes);
    my $next_sum_of_cubes = sum_of_cube_finder;

    for 1 .. $count {
        ($sum, $cubes) = $next_sum_of_cubes();
        say "$sum = ", $cubes.join(" = ");


The first five lines of output are correct, then a large number of cubes are not found, starting with

39312 = 34 ** 3 + 2 ** 3 = 33 ** 3 + 15 ** 3

The problem (or at least one problem) seems to be that $n1 is incremented at least once between finding two target numbers, so this algorithm cannot find two different target numbers that have the same $n1 ** 3 component.


The layout is a mixture of K&R and Allman style.

The vertical layout is a bit fragemented too, the inner loop in sum_of_cube_finder has more blank lines than the other loops, for no apparent reason.

Clarity of intent

It is easy to follow the line of thought behind this solution, though the iterator-style control flow makes it unnecessarily hard to reason about the considered sums of cubes, and thus about correctness.

Idiomatic use of Perl 6

Honorable use of list assignment (sometimes we forget our Perl 5 heritage), anonymous subs, Hash.push and MAIN.

A more seasoned Perl 6 programmer might have used gather/take and lazy lists instead of the custom iterator..


Doesn't go all out with brevity, but instead spaces itself out a bit. Still, not a lot of code for what it does.