Strangely Consistent

Theory, practice, and languages, braided together

When I don't even feel like using blame

The other day we ran into a bug in the following code in the Perl 6 setting:

multi method sign(Real:D:) {
    self < 0 ?? -1 !! self == 0 ?? 0 !! 1

Kudos to you if you automatically start poring over the cases in that function, trying to see which one is the wrong one. You won't find it though.

The function implements what is more or less the mathematical definition of the sign (or sgn) function:

          | -1      if x  < 0
sign(x) = |  0      if x == 0
          | +1      if x  > 0

The method does exactly this. So what's the problem?

Right, NaN.

Before the bug was fixed, you'd get this, which is surely wrong:

$ perl6 -e 'say sign(NaN)'

Oh, and this is what the fixed code looks like:

multi method sign(NaN:)    { NaN }
multi method sign(Real:D:) { self < 0 ?? -1 !! self == 0 ?? 0 !! 1 }

(That is, original method remains the same, but a new multi candidate handles the NaN-invocant case.)

And now it does the right thing:

$ perl6 -e 'say sign(NaN)'

I'm trying to come up with an appropriate emotion to go with this kind of bug. It's hard to muster any strong sentiment either way, but I think it's appropriate to say I'm sick of this kind of bug. I wish it were a thing of the past. It feels like it should be a thing of the past.

See, the code looks right. It's based right off of the mathematical definition of real numbers. The only slight mistake the original author made was briefly forgetting about the strange numeric value IEEE 754 specifies called "not a number" (NaN), which demands to be taken into account when doing this kind of exhaustive case-matching.

Don't get me wrong. NaN is there for a reason, and I'm not clamoring for its removal. The IEEE 754 people certainly had their hearts and their heads in the right place. They got a lot of things right, including the inclusion of NaN. There has to be something that's returned when you take the square root of negative 1, or multiply zero with infinity, or try to find a limit which doesn't exist.

No, what frustrates and exhausts me is that it's 2015, and we're still creating bugs rooted in lack of exhaustive case-matching. This should be a solved problem by now. We ought to have moved on to more interesting challenges.

And indeed, solutions exist out there. There are linters that will point out when you've left out an important case. (Not for Perl 6, yet, but there's nothing to stop us from having one.) Some languages have case statements over enum types where you're not allowed to leave out a case. Nowadays we also handle things with Maybe or Option types.

These things are not even fancy new technology at this point. They're proven to work, and to improve the incidence of thinkos and the quality of code. If we're not equipped with a language (or tooling) that checks this stuff for us, we're part of a rapidly shrinking unfortunate majority. If we're not looking to fix that in our home language, we're increasingly irresponsible and reckless.

This is what computing machines are good at! Enumerating cases! We should be having them do that all the time, on our business-critical code. Or, conversely, just writing code without the safety net of full enumeration of cases should be rightly recognized as belonging with other barbaric development practices of the mid-20th century, surely caused by extreme scarcity of memory or CPU, but which we have — ought to have — grown out of by now.

But... sigh... yes, the code looks right. Which is why I don't particularly feel like running git blame on it this time.

Maybe the code snippet was even code-reviewed, and someone had looked at it, nodded, and (at some more or less conscious level) noted that the code aligns perfectly with the mathematical three-case definition. A real number is either smaller than, equal to, or greater than zero. Sure, we know that! This hypothetical code reviewer did not have alarm bells go off just becase the case of NaN wasn't considered. Because NaN is an exception, a fairly uncommon one, and humans enjoy thinking about happy paths.

A lot of what constitutes "experience" in a developer seems to be installing these alarm bells in prominent places in one's brain, so that one can write code that's "robust" in the face of unusual values and unhappy paths. Two other such cases spring to mind:

(And indeed, NaN is a kind of "null value" for floating-point numbers.)

But it's also about considering edge cases in general. What if the list is empty when we ask for an element? What if the network is unavailable when we try to access a web service? What if the player can exceed 2,147,483,647 points in the game? Things like this can, and should be checked automatically, by the machine, as we developers worry about higher levels of abstraction.

Don't settle for less. Let the machine check that we've considered all the cases.