Strangely Consistent

Theory, practice, and languages, braided together

That was the month that was

This post is the closing bracket to that post.

For one month, I posted every seventh or eighth entry on use.perl, on average. It was a lot of work, but it was fun. It helped November forward quite a bit, too. (No, I won't write "November the wiki" when there's no risk of confusion. ☺) After doing that, I took a few days' vacation. Now I'm back to blogging, but at a less hectic pace; maybe semi-weekly or so.

I have a Perl 6 trick that I want to write about, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow. Today I'll just write this month summary: what historical event I wrote about on each day, what I did that day, and what I did overall compared to what I said I'd do in the beginning.

Every day, I surfed to Wikipedia to find some historical event that happened on that day, and which captured my interest. Here are the themes that apparently interest me:

  1. 10-megaton hydrogen bombs
  2. computer viruses
  3. shooting dogs into space
  4. pharaonic tombs
  5. blowing up government buildings
  6. radio signaling
  7. taking over government buildings
  8. electromagnetic radiation
  9. big falling walls
  10. lost&found explorers
  11. the end of a world war
  12. exploding whales
  13. giant storms
  14. taking off with planes from ships
  15. failed peacekeeping attempts
  16. young female Polish kings
  17. moonwalking robotic dogs
  18. animated cartoons
  19. being stripped of one's Grammy
  20. space stations
  21. pulling the plug on lakes
  22. famous classical works
  23. censorship
  24. evolution
  25. dynamite
  26. hijacking TV stations
  27. machine gun shootouts with the FBI
  28. Shakespeare getting married
  29. recording technology
  30. soccer

(I can't help noticing how Western this list of events is. This is the first time that a Wikipedia bias has really struck me — I think I'm going to partly counteract this by finding a few tens of notable non-Western events and adding them to the "events on this date" lists on Wikipedia.)

Here's what I did on the same days, in terms of November, Rakudo or Perl 6 improvements.

  1. implemented .end in Rakudo
  2. combatted Rakudo regressions
  3. created (part of) a skin
  4. helped chromatic++ fix a Parrot build failure
  5. brought November up to speed with Rakudo
  6. added .fmt to S29
  7. implemented .fmt in Rakudo
  8. created tests in the mediawiki-markup branch
  9. [nothing, too busy]
  10. [nothing, too tired]
  11. started implementing MediaWiki markup
  12. worked around Rakudo bugs
  13. worked around (and explained) more Rakudo bugs
  14. explained November data model
  15. applied simple patch
  16. hacked on the MediaWiki parser
  17. hacked on the MediaWiki parser
  18. almost finished first skin
  19. [nothing much, ranted about aesthetics instead]
  20. hacked on the MediaWiki parser
  21. wrote about November branches
  22. [nothing, raved about languages]
  23. [nothing, status update]
  24. finished first skin!
  25. made November's make test use prove
  26. debugging, cleaning up
  27. debugging, cleaning up
  28. hacked on the MediaWiki parser
  29. wrote a test module for de-cluttering
  30. hacked on the MediaWiki parser

Finally, here are the things I promised I'd do, annotated with comments on what I've done:

Looking over those results, I'm both a bit proud of the things I did do, and eager to improve on the things I didn't. I guess that's the way it should be.