Strangely Consistent

Theory, practice, and languages, braided together

June 20 2011: Hangman

I'm a day behind. Computer trouble. Will try to catch up in the next few days.

In the game "Hangman", one person guesses letters in a hidden word, while another person keeps track of the guessed letters, and penalizes wrong guesses with increments of a drawing of a stick figure in an unfortunate situation:


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Let's put all those drawings in a file and call the file states; they're the states that the game can be in.

Then we need a list of juicy, sufficiently long words:


Let's put that in a file and call it words.

Finally, we have the game itself. Look how short it is! (Of course, partly because we put all the data in files...)

my @states = slurp("states").split("\n\n");
my $WORD = lines("words".IO).roll;
my %letters_found;

while @states {
    loop {
        my @guessed_word;
        for $WORD.comb {
            if %letters_found{$_} {
                push @guessed_word, $_.uc;
            else {
                push @guessed_word, "_";

        say "Word: ", join " ", @guessed_word;

        if none(@guessed_word) eq "_" {
            say "Congratulations! You guessed it right!";

        say "";
        my $letter = prompt "Guess a letter: ";

        my $correct_guess = any($WORD.comb).lc eq $;
        if $correct_guess {
            %letters_found{$letter} = True;
        else {
            say shift @states;

say "Aww, you ran out of guesses.";
say "The correct word was '$WORD'";

Make sure to copy the game to your own computer and run it. It's a nice little game, if I may say so myself.

Some diverse comments:

Next game we're aiming for is called "Animals". It'll be wild.